Music Against Bush
Monday, October 25, 2004
i went to a music outlet yesterday and asked fer the latest rock and the guy handed me 2 rock against bush volumes..the quotes below are a small part of a long list tht appeared in today's paper..the television's full of news abt the latest celeb to lash out against bush..i swear i personally dun kno a single person who's for bush..there must b some out here but i dun kno ne..
ppl here nevr care who become's prez. over at US of A but ths guy somehow shattered their apathy and if he can do tht does he really deserve to b re-elected?
notice i'm not talking abt kerry.got nothing for or against the guy..its bush i hv a prob. wid.
"With what I see in the world today, I cannot justify not standing up and saying, 'I feel with every bone in my body that this country is going in the wrong direction.'...We've got to get somebody new in the White House." – Dave Matthews
"It pisses me off when people call us unpatriotic. True patriotism is loving your country enough to try to make it better. We are f***ing travelling the country to spread the word. That is what patriotism is." – Fat Mike of No Effects
"It's important for all of us to be aware of what's going on. I know it hurts to pay attention...For young people especially, it seems like politicians aren't speaking about our lives, but Kerry is passionate, he's trying to get young people to pay attention. So that's pretty cool." – Alicia Keys
"You can be conservative and still not like George Bush. People like him because he seems like a strong guy that would be good to have a BBQ with. But shouldn't you hold the president to higher standards than who would you like to have a BBQ with?" – Moby
"I have no sense of Bush as a man...I don't think I've ever heard him speak on an issue where it seemed to be coming directly from himself." – Mike D. of Beastie Boys
"Before he was elected president, [Bush] bankrupted three companies, was an alcoholic for a while, and had six years of government experience. His decision–making process and communication skills are so bad that there's nothing he can do without pissing off the world." – Tom DeLonge of Blink–182
"It's like we've got a bad CEO. Nothing personal, Mr. Bush, but I don't think you're running this country well. I think you're running it into the ground... You're fired. That's all. Nothing personal, man." – Mickey Hart of The Dead
"You've got books full of facts that show how Bush has failed...we have to stop treating the rest of the world like our subjects. What is the only institution more powerful than the United States government -- one that can move things in a different direction? It's the American people It's the voters." – Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam
i ws googling to guage the level of antagonism against bush and i ran across the rock against bush website http://www.fatwreck.com/RABepk2/. here's an extract frm the place so u can see how popular it is:
Rock Against Bush charted #54 on Billboard, scored the #1 slot on the
indie chart, and held fast as the #2 internet record. It remained in
the Top 200 for two months straight.
more info. courtesy http://www.buzzflash.com/farrell/04/04/far04014.html (i've just given the headlines of some..u can check it out if u wnt to):
on the dixie chicks:
Neil Young (who includes a Clear Channel poster with the words "Support our War!" in his movie/stage production of his latest album, Greendale [Rolling Stone]) took issue with George Bush's stance. "The real point was, somebody asked the president what he thought and he said,'It's America, it's a free country, they can have their opinion, but there's nothing we can do about it if nobody goes to their shows or plays their songs.'But he's so out of touch that his advisers haven't told him that [the Dixie Chicks'] record sales spiked upwards when that happened, and while the airplay went down the sales went up and their concerts all sold out," Young told the Guardian.
In the aftermath, the Dixie Chicks contributed $100,000 to Rock the Vote and inspired others to vote, organize and speak out. Here then, are some of the ways musicians are doing just that:
1) Activism
So a new man in the White House
With a familiar name
Said he had some fresh ideas
But it's worse now since he came
From Texas to Washington
-- "To Washington," John Mellencamp
In Nov. 2003, Rolling Stone spoke to thirty musicians regarding a variety of issues -- from Iraq to the economy to the environment to the media -- with each agreeing that their one overriding concern was dumping Dubya come November. "Welcome to the increasingly partisan world of popular music -- where President George W. Bush is a marked man," Rolling Stone's Damien Cave wrote, in his aptly named "Rockers Unite to Oust Bush." [Rolling Stone]
In all, hundreds of musicians have organized, and while some have openly endorsed their favorite candidates, others have been active in other ways. Consider the following:
Approximately 200 bands, including Green Day, the Foo Fighters, Offspring and Pennywise have forged an alliance through PunkVoter, with the single-minded intention of mobilizing America's youth to vote against President Bush in November. Founded by Mike Burkett (otherwise known as Fat Mike of the band NOFX) PunkVoter has been involved in everything from voter-registration drives to a Rock Against Bush Tour to the production of a two-volume "Rock Against Bush" compilation (the first of which was released on April 20, 2004).
"I decided to use my influence to get bands together to speak out about the president," Burkett said. "I think it's our responsibility as citizens and musicians to do so. He's wrecking the country and the world." [PunkVoter.com]
Musicians United to Win Without War
The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network
Meanwhile, Simmons' Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) hopes to register 4 million voters before the 2004 election. [Hiphopsummitactionnetwork.org]
"The right wing fears the influence of hip-hop translating into political power, and they attack it every time there's a glimmer of a political connection," HSAN's Ben Chavis recently told Salon.com. "Hip-hop transcends race in America. That's the greatest fear of the right wing: a generation who would dare to transcend racial division and embrace a vision of a new America that is more inclusive." [Salon.com]
The 'Tell Us the Truth' Tour
Bands Against Bush
2) A World Gone Mad
You build more bombs as you get more bold
As your mid-life crisis war unfolds
All you wanna do is take control
Now put that Axis of Evil bullsh-- on hold.
– A World Gone Mad, The Beastie Boys
In addition to notable activism, musicians worldwide have assessed the current situation:
"America, what the hell? What are we doing? Like, I can't believe it's gone this far... I can't believe that we're going to war. I still can't believe that we're a democracy and the President was voted in in a non-democratic way by the Supreme Court who were put in place by his father...It's shooting fish in a barrel, isn't it?" -- R.E.M's Michael Stipe, at the Bono MusiCares Person Of The Year event in New York City, Sept. 2003
"I think 9/11 gave this generation an identity, and its identity is potentially fascist. My skin crawls when I think of the first week after 9/11. I was looking out of the window and there were people marching down the street carrying flags. It reminded me of spontaneous, angry Nazis and I thought, 'Oh, man, we are in a lot of trouble'. There's a whole bunch of people who have flags hanging from their cars and who are mistaking fascism for patriotism." – Rickie Lee Jones, the Guardian, Oct. 18, 2003
'Why am I, a country singer who has never been involved in politics publicly, the one asking questions?'" -- Natalie Maines, Rolling Stone, Nov. 26, 2003
"We have been lied to and terrorized by our own government, and it is time to take action." -- John Mellencamp, on his Web site, Oct.2003
"Americans are asleep at the wheel. We're not getting involved in our own political process." – James Taylor, Rolling Stone, Nov. 26, 2003
"This is a time, I believe, of great inner turmoil for the majority of the American people. There is a new morality coming out of this administration -- fundamentalist religious views; a holier-than-thou attitude towards the rest of the world -- that is not classically American. I don't think Americans felt holier-than-thou in the twentieth century. We were happy and successful, with a great lifestyle. But something else is going on now." -- Neil Young, Rolling Stone, Aug. 21, 2003
"The majority of people out there seem to link September 11 and Iraq. It seems to me that the government hasn't really put any evidence out there. There hasn't been a compelling case linking the two, so I think it's really important to separate them." -- Mike D., The Beastie Boys, MTV.com, March 11, 2003
"I hate to see the American flag hanging out of every bloody station wagon, out of every SUV, every little Midwestern house in some residential area....It's easy to confuse patriotism with nationalism. Flag waving ain't gonna do it." -- Ian Anderson, Nov. 2003 (After which, the New Jersey classic rock radio station WCHR-FM "forever" banned Jethro Tull from its playlist)
"What is the motivation? Regime change? Shouldn't that be up to the people of the region and the people of Iraq? . . . Surely it is more likely that an attack on Iraq would only strengthen Al Qaeda by feeding Anti-American sentiment. Putting out the fire with gasoline, so to speak. It is certainly not to liberate the people of Iraq who suffer under Hussein's rule, unless we call killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis liberation. . . Bottom line: this war is wrong and this war is un-American." -- Dave Matthews, on his Web site, Feb. 2003
"The question of whether we were misled into the war in Iraq isn't a liberal or conservative or Republican or Democratic question, it's an American one. Protecting the democracy that we ask our sons and daughters to die for is our responsibility and our trust. Demanding accountability from our leaders is our job as citizens. It's the American way. So may the truth will out." -- Bruce Springsteen, as quoted in the Madison Capital Times, Sept. 27, 2003
"We're all going to die when George Bush has his way. It's good to go out with a bang." -- Coldplay's Chris Martin, at the Brit Awards, Feb. 26, 2003
3) Choice Words
He's an ugly man
he always was an ugly man.
He grew up to be just like his father
an ugly man.
And he'll tell you lies.
He'll look at you and tell you lies.
He grew up to be just like his father
ugly inside – -- "Ugly Man" Rickie Lee Jones
Artists have also had some choice words for G.W. Bush:
"Shout a little louder if you want the president impeached." – Bruce Springsteen, Oct. 4, 2003 (as reported in Rolling Stone, Nov. 26, 2003)
"Bush has polarized the country and is creating this breeding ground for an opposition. In the next couple of months, they'll probably make it unpatriotic to be Democrat. It's pretty crazy." – Neil Young, the Guardian, May 22, 2003
"The America we believe in can't survive another four years of George Bush." -- Moby, Rolling Stone, Nov. 26, 2003.
"None of us feels very comfortable with what Bush is putting forward and the way that Bush is representing the United States, and I don't think he represents us. . . . I mean, you just look at the TV and see this guy who's supposed to be representing us and it just feels ridiculous." -- MCA, the Beastie Boys, MTV.com, March 11, 2003
"We must all unite and work for whomever opposes Bush, regardless of whatever differences we may have. Our motto: Anything but Bush." -- Lou Reed, Rolling Stone, Nov. 26, 2003
"I just look at that man [Bush] and get perturbed, but I figure the true ugliness is inside, so the cross-eyed smug thing is nothing compared to what is going on in that little, twisted head of his." – Rickie Lee Jones, the Age.com, Jan. 5, 2004
"And this big deal about Bush landing on an aircraft carrier? Talk about a six-year-old kid with a Tonka toy - we got it here." – Neil Young, The Guardian, May 22, 2003
"We'd like to dedicate this to Johnny Cash and to John Kerry who hopefully will be your president one day." -- Chris Martin, the Grammy Awards, Feb. 9, 2004
"That's for the soldiers who die in Iraq every day, because of this stupid plan that the administration didn't have. They didn't know what the hell was going to happen. Bush makes Clinton look like sandpaper -- that's how slippery he is." -- Neil Young, on why he ended his song, "Rockin' in the Free World" (an anthem originally intended to protest Bush #41's policies) with military funeral music, Rolling Stone, Aug. 2003
"We have to get George Bush's ass out of office.. .He doesn't care about Black people. he doesn't care about young people and he certainly doesn't care about all those mothers who have lost their sons in this war in Iraq... Let's register everyone to vote-20 million strong and get him out of office." -- Sean "P-Diddy" Combs, Feb. 7, 2004 at the Rock The Vote Lippert Awards
4) Herd Mentality
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Hell they won't lie to me
But how much is a liar's word worth
Everything we've been told from our birth
Not on my own damn TV
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
-- Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth, Willie Nelson
With pending anti-First Amendment decency legislation crouching in the wings, artists' concerns about free speech are stronger than ever. This is what some have said about the restrictive post-9/11 atmosphere:
"We all live in fairly dangerous times in terms of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. . .. A lot of the songwriters that I've admired and learned from ... are people who spoke in matters of conscience as well as matters of the heart. I think that it's essential that we defend that right." -- Elvis Costello, at an event where he was being honored by songwriters society ASCAP in Beverly Hills,CA, May 20, 2003 (via Billboard.com)
"I think that these are times when it's more important than ever to demand the truth, when there's been a squelching of political debate in this fog of deceitful patriotism." -- Tom Morello, Newsweek.com, Nov. 26, 2003
"Did someone just say 'shut up?' I don't know if you heard about this thing called freedom of speech, man. It's worth thinking about, because it's going away . . ." -- Eddy Vedder, after relaying an anti-war conversation he'd had with a Vietnam veteran and being told to "shut up" by a heckler at a concert in Denver on April 1, 2003
"It is the people who scream loudest about America and freedom who seem to be the most intolerant for people with a differing point of view." [The Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines] was just expressing a feeling and an opinion, you know. She wasn't trying to insight a riot. I really cannot believe the backlash. It is as if we have not learnt anything from history. It is like McCarthyism all over again." – Rosanne Cash, Undercover Media, March 2003
"[The attacks on the Dixie Chicks] reminded me of things I'd read about Berlin in 1938. It pissed me off." -- Merle Haggard, Rolling Stone, Nov 26, 2003
"It's funny, having all but obliterated free speech in the press here in the US, [Bush] would remark on the free speech taking place in other countries. You know, people in America are afraid to say anything. . . " -- Rickie Lee Jones, The Guardian, Oct. 18, 2003
"You know it's ironic that we're fighting for democracy in Iraq because we ultimately aren't celebrating democracy here. Because anybody who has anything to say against the war or against the president or whatever -- is punished, and that's not democracy -- it's people being intolerant." – Madonna, VH1 (as reported by CBS News, April 18, 2003) [Madonna also partook in self-censorship by canceling the release of her "American Life" video [Salon.com] after Matt Drudge deemed it "the most shocking anti-war, anti-Bush statement yet to come from the show business industry."]
"The pressure coming from the government and big business to enforce conformity of thought concerning the war and politics goes against everything that this country is about -- namely freedom. Right now, we are supposedly fighting to create freedom in Iraq, at the same time that some are trying to intimidate and punish people for using that same freedom here at home." – Bruce Springsteen, on his Web site, April, 2003
and so it goes..
also check out http://www.punkvoter.com
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